Drugs & Alcohol Policy Statement

Tai Crest Resources Management Team considers effective Health & Safety Management as a core business activity and is committed to creating a future free of incidents and injuries. The effective management of drug and alcohol abuse is an integral part of this.

It is the policy of Tai Crest Resources Sdn. Bhd.:

  • To not permit any employee of Tai Crest Resources Sdn. Bhd., its contractors and their sub-contractors or anyone engaged directly or indirectly to report, work or attend work premises under the influence of alcohol and drugs, nor to consume these whilst on duty or on the premises;
  • To implement control measures to prevent, as far as reasonably practicable such people reporting for work or attending work premises:
    • When affected by drugs or excess alcohol; or
    • Consuming drugs or alcohol at work.

    These measures may include pre-employment, post incident and unannounced random screening;

  • To provide a positive approach to those workers seeking guidance prior to screening to overcome alcohol and/or drug related problems;
  • To not knowingly employ or retain any worker directly or indirectly, who has been justifiably dismissed by any employer for drug and/or alcohol related offences;
  • To take suitable action, usually termination of contract, against anyone found at work to be under influence of alcohol or drugs in breach of this policy.

Any worker found to have tested positive any after drug or alcohol test will be suspended from work in which they are engaged, pending a full investigation.

Workers testing positive for drugs or excess alcohol or refusing to take a test face sanctions and including termination of contract.

Updated: 20 Jan 2020